140 Nm to lb-ft Conversion

How much is 140 Nm (140 Newton Metres) in lb-ft?

Newton-meters (Nm) and foot-pounds (ft/lbs) are the metric and imperial measures for torque, which measures the way in which a force turns an object around an axis. One foot-pound (ft/lb) is equal to 1.356 newton-meters (Nm). To convert newton-meters (Nm) to foot-pounds (ft/lbs) all you need to do is divide your figure (Nm) by 1.356.

140 Nm is a very common torque specification for the wheel bolts on a wide variety of German cars. 

140 Nm = 103.25 lb-ft

However, many mechanics in North America use a torque wrench setting of 105 lb-ft when aiming to torque a wheel bolt or lug nut to the imperial equivalent of 140 Nm, but the exact setting should be 103.25 lb-ft.

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