Who Can Unlock My Car?

I Am Locked Out Of My Vehicle. Who Can Unlock My Car?

If you have locked the keys in your car, it could be a very stressful experience:

  • Panic.
  • Running late for work.
  • Not knowing what to do.
  • Worrying about a child locked inside the car.

Those are just a few symptoms of a car lockout situation.

What To Do When You're Locked Out Of Your Car

Here is what to do when you're locked out of your car:

  • Remain calm, check all other doors and trunk, look for a spare key, or call someone close to you who might have a key for your vehicle.
  • If a child, senior or unresponsive person are locked inside the car, call 911.
  • If the engine is running and the car is in a garage, create ventilation by opening the garage, door, or windows to avoid carbon monoxide intoxication.
  • If you have roadside assistance coverage, contact your provider to dispatch a tech to unlock the vehicle.
  • If you don't have roadside assistance coverage, contact an emergency auto locksmith service to unlock your car, or even a towing service that provides car lockout services.

Who Can Unlock My Car?

Here is a list of responders that could unlock your car when you're locked out:

  • Roadside assistance providers
  • Tow truck drivers
  • A professional car lockout service

One thing you shouldn't do is waste your time trying to unlock the car yourself. If you haven't done this before, not only you will damage the vehicle, but you can also hurt yourself.

Car lockout service providers are trained on most vehicle makes and models to unlock car doors. It takes special skill, training and a variety of tools to unlock a car without damaging it. What could go wrong? Here are a few examples:

  • damaging the vehicle body (scratched and dents)
  • breaking the windows
  • damaging the vehicle's locking system, resulting in costly repairs
  • bending the doors and not closing properly afterwards
  • hurting yourself (cuts, bruises, broken fingers, etc)

Always contact a qualified car lockout technician to unlock your vehicle.


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